Rear Seat Removal and Installation

The illustrations shown are for the left side. The right side is symmetrical.

1. Rear Seat Foot Covers - Remove

2. Rear Seat Front Mounting Bolts - Remove

3. Rear Seat Cushion - Lift

Lift up the rear seat cushion (A), and hold it.

4. Rear Seat Release Cable - Disconnect

Turn over the carpet (A).

Pull up the rear seat release cable lock (B).

Pull out the junction cap (C).

Pull on cable (D) to pull out joint piece (E) and temporarily hang it on the edge of the junction (F).

Remove the rear seat upper cable end (G) from the joint piece.

NOTE: If additional slack is needed on the cable, pull the rear seat lock knob (H) while removing the cable end.

5. Rear Seat-Back - Fold Down

7. Rear Seat - Remove

With seat cushion heater: Disconnect the connector (A).

Remove the bolts (A).

Remove the rear seat (B) through the rear door opening.

8. All Removed Parts - Install

Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

NOTE: To obtain proper cable tension, reconnect the rear seat release cable in following procedures.

Pull the end of the joint piece (A) out of the junction (B), while pull up the rear seat release cable stopper (C) until the side marks (D) line up.

Push the junction cap (E) onto the junction until the upper cable end (F) and the joint piece are attached with a clicking sound.

Push back in the rear seat release cable stopper to stretch the rear seat release cable.

Push back in the rear seat release cable lock (G).