Rear Door Glass Removal and Installation
2. Rear Door Inner Handle - Remove

3. Rear Door Plastic Cover - Remove

Disconnect the connector (A), and remove the harness clips (B).

Remove the plug caps (C), then carefully remove the plastic cover (D).

NOTE: If the plastic cover is damaged or torn, replace it with a new one.

4. Rear Quarter Channel - Remove

Remove the bolt and nut, from the rear quarter channel (A).

Remove the rear quarter channel, and pull out the glass run channel (B) as needed.

NOTE: Be careful not to scratch the door, or damage the door glass outer weatherstrip.

Remove the rear quarter channel (A) from the glass run channel (B).

5. Rear Door Glass - Remove

Lower the glass (A) until you can see the glass mounting bolts, then remove them.

Carefully pull out the glass through the window slot.

NOTE: Take care not to drop the glass inside the door.

6. Rear Door Glass Run Channel - Remove