Cam Chain Removal, Installation, and Inspection

NOTE: Keep the cam chain away from magnetic fields.

9. Cam Chain Case - Remove

Remove the cam chain case (A) and the spacer (B).

10. Cam Chain Auto-Tensioner - Remove

Loosely install the crankshaft pulley.

Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to compress the cam chain auto-tensioner.

Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise to align the holes on the lock (A) and the cam chain auto-tensioner (B), then insert a 1.2 mm (3/64 in) diameter pin (C) into the holes. Turn the crankshaft clockwise to secure the pin.

NOTE: If the holes in the lock and the cam chain auto-tensioner do not align, continue to rotating the crankshaft counterclockwise until the holes align, then install the pin.

Remove the cam chain auto-tensioner (A) and the cam chain auto-tensioner filter (B).

NOTE: Check the cam chain auto-tensioner filter for damage. If filter is damaged, replace it.

11. Cam Chain Guide B - Remove

12. Cam Chain - Remove

Remove cam chain guide A, the cam chain tensioner arm (B), and the cam chain tensioner sub arm (C).

Remove the cam chain (D).

Keep the cam chain away from magnetic fields.
Before doing this procedure, check that the VTC actuator is locked by turning the VTC actuator counterclockwise. If not locked, turn the VTC actuator clockwise until it stops, then recheck it. If it is still not locked, replace the VTC actuator.

1. No. 1 Piston at Top Dead Center (Crank Side) - Set

Set the crankshaft to top dead center (TDC). Align the TDC mark (A) on the crankshaft sprocket with the pointer (B) on the engine block.

2. No. 1 Piston at Top Dead Center (Cam Side) - Set

Set the camshafts to TDC. The punch mark (A) on the VTC actuator and the punch mark (B) on the exhaust camshaft sprocket should be at the top. Align the TDC marks (C) on the VTC actuator and the exhaust camshaft sprocket.

3. Cam Chain - Install

Install the cam chain on the crankshaft sprocket with the colored link plate (A) aligned with the mark (B) on the crankshaft sprocket.

Install the cam chain on the VTC actuator and the exhaust camshaft sprocket with the punch marks (A) aligned with the center of the colored link plates (B).

4. Cam Chain Guide B - Install

NOTE: Apply new engine oil to the threads of the camshaft holder bolts.

5. Cam Chain Guide A, Tensioner Sub Arm, and Tensioner Arm - Install

6. Cam Chain Auto-Tensioner - Install

Compress the cam chain auto-tensioner when replacing the cam chain. Remove the pin (A) from the cam chain auto-tensioner that was installed during removal. Turn the plate (B) counterclockwise, to release the lock, then press the rod (C), and set the first cam (D) to the first edge of the rack (E). Insert the 1.2 mm (3/64 in) diameter pin back into the holes (F).

NOTE: If the cam chain auto-tensioner is not set up as described, the cam chain auto-tensioner will be damaged.

Install the cam chain auto-tensioner filter (A) and the cam chain auto-tensioner (B).

Remove the pin from the cam chain auto-tensioner.

7. Cam Chain Case - Install

Check the pulley end crankshaft oil seal for damage. If the oil seal is damaged, replace the pulley end crankshaft oil seal.

Apply liquid gasket to the engine block and the oil pan mating surface of the chain case and to the inside edge of the threaded bolt holes.

Install the spacer (A), then install a new O-ring (B) on the chain case. Set the edge of the chain case (C) to the edge of the oil pan (D), then install the chain case on the engine block (E). Wipe off the excess liquid gasket on the oil pan and the chain case mating area.

NOTE: When installing the chain case, do not slide the bottom surface onto the oil pan mounting surface.

4. Cam Chain - Inspect

Measure the length of the cam chain auto-tensioner rod.

Cam Chain Auto-Tensioner Rod Length
Service Limit:
26.6 mm (1.047 in)

If the length is over the service limit, replace the cam chain. When replacing, check the teeth on the crankshaft sprocket, the VTC actuator, and the exhaust camshaft sprocket for wear and damage. If any of them are worn or damaged, replace if necessary.

Check the oil passage on the cam chain auto-tensioner for clogs. If the cam chain auto-tensioner is clogged, replace it.

5. All Removed Parts - Install

Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.